Sunday, October 01, 2006

We Have to make this happen!

FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT! This chap Charles Parry set Blake’s Jerusalem to music for a rally of the “Fight for the Right” movement in Queen’s Hall where it was performed in 1918 at a concert to mark the final stage in the Votes for Women Camaign. The nuns just worship it! Hum it endlessly, so set to and FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT by signing this petition for girls and nuns and those of a bonkeresque disposition everywhere darlings.


Anonymous said...

ermm? what is it for exactly?

Anonymous said...

Just to amuse ourselves on cold winter dull dorm nights darling. It's a sort of anthem of mad Englishness written by William Blake a lot of hundreds of years ago. We have to sing it all the time at sporting events and school days and chappel. Sometimes they wake us up in the middle of the night to sing it - well Sister Athenasia did but then she was maginificently bearded and two days later they took her to a special nunnery in a white van, but anyway its awfully close to our hearts (keeping ourselves amused on dull dorm nights not the anthem obviously). It was Malcolm's idea.

Anonymous said...

oooooooooh ok

Anonymous said...

Thanks Calypso, yr a proper radical now. I never thought ud actually DO it! From now on I shall call u Wild One...

Anonymous said...

so Jerusalem as in "and did those feet in ancient times ets" start out as a wadical FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT hit?

Anonymous said...

right ho then cool am on the case

Anonymous said...

ditto FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT all the way. I think...

Anonymous said...

malcolm, calypso is calling for you. somewhere...

Calypso said...

This is true. Truer than the truest truth ever. The UK government just wrote me an official letter recognising my petition and saying they have put it to the priminister for serious consideration - along with Oh Flower of Scotland or something. OMGA, they are going to discuss this in parliment - and I only rustled up about 23 signatures.