Thursday, March 08, 2007

Calypso made a mistake counter dumping me!

Anyone else out there think Calypso should never have counter dumped me?
I'm starting a petition! Fine, mea culpa to me
for dumping her and McHamish is a good guy but....


Anonymous said...

Look you stuck up royal oik, you dumped her so stop sobbing in your hanky and move on. McHamish rocks the world!

Anonymous said...

Darling, that is tres sad, but you shouldn't have dumped her to begin with. Don't worry about it though your a madly fit prince. Just watch out for Honey!

Anonymous said...

Hey prince get off your role thrown and fined another girl okay darling gush. Love you Cindy

Anonymous said...

I just finished Dumping Princes, and darling, just who do you think you are?(besides the fruuping Prince of England) First, how dare you give Calypso dissapointed looks, when it is probably tres hard to be a American in our lovely British world. Also, hair gel? What the bloody hell is that about? I felt bad for you at first, then I read the book, and yaah darling, she is wayyyy better of with Malcolm, a distressingly fit filmaker.

Anonymous said...

Freds i am absoultly angry that you dumped Calypso..whats wrong with you? I mean yes you are very fit and kind but seriously you have to get her back! you can email me at

Anonymous said...

Look Freds, okay you made a BIG mistake.Really. You should have t talked to her, and short it out since i think your great for Calypso, but you shouldn't have given her those disapointed looks!but hey, thats what roses are for rigth?

Anonymous said...

i just finished reading the last book , and let me tell you that you made a huge mistake darling, and i do think that she was right on making the counter dumping, b/c if it wasnt for that she would have never fallen in love with Malcom, which by the way is gorgouse. But who knows maybe in the future she'll take you back.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you freds. she never should have counter dumped u. then again you did dump her in the first place. but she was still wrong darling. mchammish is definatly not as fit as u freds. its sad that she dumped u. love u, katey-beth

Anonymous said...

freds. you're the ultimate dream boyfriend, but how could you dump calypso? she had every right to counter dump you.

Anonymous said...

Freds u are a complete idiot!! Why dump her, u guys were soooo perfect together!! And yes she had every right to counter dump you. But i stil think u are soo fit, and soo nice ect.. and i really want u guys to get back together, although i love Malcom too, but u and calypso are too good together. Please, PLEASE get back together!! But wh did u even dump her in the first place, and WHAT is with the disappointed looks? I mean get of your bloody royal high horse!! I love you though

Anonymous said...

Freds u totally deserved to be counter dumped!! Why did u even dump Calypso in the first place,. i mean u guys were like in love, and u make a great couple!! But dumping her by text?? That is just soooooo pathetic and cowardly and come on, ur supposed to be a PRINCE!!! And malcom is soooooo cool and soooo fit, and actually gets calypso. But anyway, i still think you and calypso need to get back together because although u are a bit of a stuck up idiot u are REALLY fit, and really nice in all the other books and i love you.
But for goodness sakes stop giving her DISSAPOINTED LOOKS!!!!!!!!

JellyBaby said...

Freddie darling are you seriously complaining about being counterdumped! I mean a counterdump can only be performed AFTER a dump which YOU did by TEXT! You are simply tragic and Malcolm is not a good guy he is a GREAT guy who is madly fit and talented!

Lil_Miss_Book_Worm said...

Freds ur an absolute idiot cnt u c dat u n Calypso r ment 2 b 2getha?

Anonymous said...

is there another book coming out after dumping princes???

Anonymous said...

get off you're royal butt and fight for her a girl like that will allways take u back if u do it right!!!

Anonymous said...

Right, erm, that is, hi. Freds here (with Calypso over my shoulder lookling at what I'm writing!)
Look I just want to clear something up. Everyone's giving me all this grief over my dumping of Calypso and the so called "dissapointed looks" she claims I was always giving her. Now everytime I go anywhere, girls come up and well, look. First off I was NOT giving her dissapointed looks and as for the dumping business I really did have a huge work load and not everyone is a total genius like Calypso. And as for the dissapointed looks, actually the fact of the matter is she does say and do a lot of beweildering things. Like we were meant to hang out at New Year. And no, it wasn't a date thing but I went out to LA just to see her and then she stands me up and I get a call from Sarah (her mother)saying that Calypso can't meet up because she'd got her big toe twisted up in her duvet! Who gets their big toe caught in a duvet? Tell me that and I guess I promise never to give Calypso a "diessapointed look" ie: bewildered look again! Freds.

jasmine said...

hI cALYPSO!!! R U STILL THERE AT FRED'S SHOULDER?? OH. UHH. . . HI FREDS!! dUDE, EVEN THOUGH U WERE NOT GIVING HER "DISSAPOINTED LOOKS", TO every GIRL THOSE "LOOKS" R THE worst!!! YOUR'E NOT A GIRL SO JUST ACCEPT IT THAT U GAVE HER "DISSAPOINTED LOOKS" OK? AND YOU SO DON'T DESERVE CALYPSO!!!! MALCOMN DOES DESERVE HER!!! even though everybody says your'e soooo fit, (which in my opinion u r not!!!) malcomn is MUCH fitter!!!!! and stop sucking up!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it was very galient of calypso to take such a step - i myself would have done it under the circumstances and all i have to say is that the prince should be ashamed of himself! what sort of a boy dumps a girl?
not one who plays poker!

Anonymous said...

Helo daarlings i wod just like 2 say Freddie that u were a Pleb.But the letter thing was sooooooo cute.Anyways Calypso and Malcolm sooo should be together and to be honest u r a bit woosy. As for the dissapointing looks apparantley i give them all the time. I was unaware of this fact until the other day and soo i can understand tht u might not of realised wat u were doing.I think tht you might have lost calypso for ever and tht is tres sad but you can still be m8s tht is not tragic its better than saying cya round or something. ps. calypso tell REx i luv him

Calypso said...

Rex you fool, you're Biggest Fan loves you okay! She told me to tell you and I always grant wishes on St Valentine's Day because I'm supersticious. Oodles, Calypso

Anonymous said...

I agree with beau-monde, McHamish ROCKS THE WORLD.

Anonymous said...

calypso how r we suppsoe 2 tell if it is really u or freds or malcolm xxxxx. luv all 3 of u btw books r da best keep writting nd btw smoking sucks malcolm !!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Freds, u are the biggest idiot on the planet! Get of your bloody royal backside and make up with calapso!

Anonymous said...

darling, you did dump her by text! how ca you blame her! i would have done the same thing! by the way, malcolm is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Freds you made a big mistake dumping Calypso. She so perfact for you even though you don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Freds you need to get Calypso back. You left her for the same reason she wanted to get back with you. You should have told her why you dumped her in the first place. And you should have NEVER NEVER dumped her by text. How could you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Freds you're so tragic. I mean dumping Calypso and all. Those dissapointing looks can be death to a girl. Now you lost the best girl you could have ever met. How could you have dumped her by text. You are tres tres tragic.

Anonymous said...

Freds, the letter was sweet and all, but I think Calypso might have a good time with someone else. Anyway, It was SO sweet when Malcom gave Calypso that ahdorable duckling. Besides the letter, YOU'VE never done anything sweet like that. I think Calypso and you are good together and all, but the relationship will be better off if you stop giving out those "disapproving looks" and communicate with your girlfriend more.

Anonymous said...

Hey I haven't finished the book, yet. I'm like on page 120. But I have 3 questions. 1>What does the word 'bonker' mean? 2> Are Calypso and Freddy real people? 3> Why did Freddy dump Calypso.

Whoever can asnwer my questios please E-Mail me at PLEASE!!!!!!

Calypso said...

Everyone in my books is virtually fictional. Bonkers = mad (it's in the glossary or should be but otherwise check the glossary at And as to why did Freds dump me....exactly why????? There is going to be a sixth book so all will be revealed

Anonymous said...

Calypso Darling what do you mean sixth book there's not even a fifth book yet.I'm so excited about the next books.

Anonymous said...

Sweet ♥ if u seruoicly luved her, then why dump?

Anonymous said...

Sweet ♥ Why would u dump her if u luved her? It makes NO sence! She was positivily the poshest! And yet, i would kill 2 have a prince @ my skewl!

Pink♥ said...

Darling, I do think it was wrong, but u also werent in the right, so u r both 2 blame...but on the other hand ur very fit so everything will come out on top!

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems so angry about it... Your the frupping HRH for christ sakes, I'm sure you'll be able to find another girl who doesn't love to be caught up in the media (Look at Kate Middleton) Well actually...that might not work out since your fictional. Ah well life goes on, life's a Honey and then you marry one >.<

Anonymous said...

i don't even undrerstand why dumped her, don't ya'll think in England although i still like english people. She was AMERICAN and we are GREAT, although i don't really like californians, it's all Texas for me. I STRONGLY agree that she should have counterdumped. For the rest of your life you shall regret this for the rest of your lifeyou stuck up prince of england by the way did you dye your hair, it doesn't look natural to me.LOSER!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

no i did not dye my hair& 4 the record McHamish I do not use gel and I am not giving Calypso dissapointed looks they are just looks of amazement at some of the things she says & thats not a bad thing actually. I like to be amazed.

Calypso said...

oh, thatz so cute

Anonymous said...

Calypso you are so falling for him agian.

Anonymous said...

So Calypso and/or Freds, what does McHammish think about the little scene before he showed up in pullers woods? Or have you not told him yet, because if Freds is still after you (He completely is...) then it's going to come out eventually.

Anonymous said...

^^ I totally agree with you. What did McHammish think about your little sceen

Calypso said...

I am completely baffled and cofused as ever and haven't seen Malcolm since his return from scotland but he sent a txt saying he read the blog asking wot the frup i was up to. A big fat NOTHING apart from getting a B in my GCSE English which means I have to retake and I'm completely fatigued and portia has just fallen in luv and is being v.unportia like in a good way though but still why won't she let on who he is? We need our goss fix at boarding school to take our mind off the food.

Anonymous said...

(I really should get a screen name one of these days...) Alright, fine I'm going to stop talking and hiding it if you aren't going to give me a straight answer. Is he going to find out about it? Or is it just going to be some sort of thing that you tell your children years from now? I absolutely cannot wait for the next book to find out about this. I'm not asking for a paragraph or anything. Just tell me if you're going to tell him!

Anonymous said...

hey prince u deserve to be counter dump by calypso. u should'nt had dump her in the first place. i really wish tat u would get her back.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with texas over there... Although, I am realy just eaves dropping on the intresting little remarks. I just got here, not knowing what the heck this is, but thats not my point. Americans, mexicans, hispanics, they are basicly all the same to me... Although, we are the kids in America. Kid? Teen? Adult? Who knows, I may be MHJ, but noone realy knows what that stands for realy, so ananymous I shall stay.

Anonymous said...

serve you rite for getting counter dump prince... like calypso is soooo good how can u dump her in the first place. u should sooo get calypso back. She is such a great girl. And by the way why did u dump her ?

Anonymous said...

O.O Since when does Freds use his title? Really, I mean if it were for getting out of a parking ticket or something like that I'd understand. But for a blog? In the rememberence of the past fine books "Darling, that's sooooooo tragic!" really though, Freds impersonator. Get some grammer lessons... -_-'

Anonymous said...

freds you are so tragic.

Anonymous said...

Freds darling i get everything i want and still i'm not even as tragic as you. I treated like a princess at home and school but I would never stoop as low as dumping my boyfriend by text. HOW COULD YOU.

Anonymous said...

I'm a McHammish supporter and all. But you guys are being REALLY mean. How would you like everyone telling you how tragic you are? Picking out every little thing? I know it wasn't cool for him to dump someone by text, but he was just confuzzled!(My earlier comment was for the Freds impersonator, not Freds himself. ^.^' Sorry if you thought it was about you)

Anonymous said...

So you do use loads of gel, heard that from McHammish, that is tres' tres' tragic.

Anonymous said...

will everyone quit bugging freds what he did was a mistake but give him a break

Anonymous said...

I'll never give him a break because what he did was wrong

Anonymous said...

you may have said sorry to calypspo (and try to kiss her) but you dumped her by text, that was very horrible. It was funny that you fell into the Thames though, I mean no it wasn't, get off your butt and win her back, but no I am Prince Frederick, I'll send my SERVANT, that's to much work, so nevermind, you're a bloody idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Freddie mot chooseing sides or anthing but all Calypso wants is respect if she gets dumped by the HRH of England so counterdumping is the best way to go. I am American so when I was younger 10-11 this idiot who sat next to me would insult me and I would insult him back cause that how it goes girls hate anything thats even hints boys are better than girls

Anonymous said...

^^ positivily true

Anonymous said...

Ok Freds...I haven't even read the book yet but I know you dump her and I will get no sleep at night unless you get back with her in a possible fith book that might change my life... I'm not gonna point fingers or anything but you made a mistake and you need to fix it...I know from personal relationships that getting dirty looks and seeing your ex and even imagining them with someone else is impossible to swallow you had something good make it work again...Be The prince Charming Myself and other American Girls only read about A.S.A.P.

Anonymous said...

hey Freds,
I luv u and all but what the heck wer u thinking dumping gorgeous Calypso?u hav just GOT to get her back cos u wer perfect together. tres sad for u darling but u know u did dump her first so she had every right to counterdump you.If she doesn't take u back later you'll find another(hopefully),u are a MADLY FIT Prince and who in there right mind wouldn't go out with you darling?

Anonymous said...

Please, Please Freds.

Calypso meant the WORLD to you, and you just want to throw that all away? Remeber, Forgiveness is DIVINE.
I for one, and i speak for most here, just wants best for the both of you, and in the end that is your decision.

Plus, Malcolm and Indie, are much better suited.

Luff Emmy xxxxx

Anonymous said...

^^ Freds please, please listen to her she has a great point.

Anonymous(I got one!) said...

Look guys, you need to stop bugging Freddie about getting back together with Calypso. Maybe the breakup was for the best? I know that chivalry is great and all, but Calypso doesn't need to be the weak woman with her (no pun thing intended) Prince Charming. Being a teen is all about getting out there and dating people, right? (Hah, my internet wisdom >.<) So Freds, my advice (as rude as this may sound) is to build a bridge and get over it. Same for you Calypso! You guys are really good friends right? Well, maybe it should just stay that way... And Calypso darling? If you're going to avvoid Freds... come up with some plausible excuses.

As Always faithfully yours,

P.S. Hah! Told you I'd get a name some day! I think it's quite appropriate, don't you? :P

Anonymous said...

Darling, you can hardly expect sympathy when it was YOU that dumped HER. Calypso is a gorgeous, LA chick, and if she has moved on to bigger and better, you need to dry your eyes. GET OVER IT!

Calypso said...

warning there is a faux freds on the loose on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Ok, thanks for the tip off, darling, we'll be extra careful who we speak to.


Anonymous said...

freds darling, there are a couple of things i'd like to mention to you.
1. calypso was probably wrong to counter dump you BUT
1b. you shouldn't have dumped her in the first place, particularly not by text, especially as everything was going great!
1c. but well done for writing that apology letter, that was very chivalrous of you, and i am definitely one for chivalry. write me a letter anytime :]
2. you probably shouldn't have kissed calypso in puller's woods.
2b.. which is why she pulled away.
2c. and she'll be really confused now, so please, please be kind to her!
3. i can't believe you use hair gel. that did disappoint me. sorry darling.
but love to you anyway xxx

Anonymous said...

I'm going to the states. It's for some charity thing. (bloody americans) I'm dating a girl whose name is Alexa. One word. Stunning. Beautiful hazel eyes, long blonde hair that cascades down her sexy shoulers. Better than any of you people! She is tall and slim and has excptionaly large you-whos. Goodbye Calypso. Goodbye, forever.

Anonymous(I got one!) said...

Calypso! Isn't there a way to get the guy banned? What I mean to say is that he's going a little too far... Oh anyway, so how's the book going? Well shalome! ^.^

funnygirl said...

I got a blogger (fiannly) I havent been on in forever thank u prettiestblondeever21

Calypso said...

yes I am getting the horrible fake freds banned! How dare he and all that.

Anonymous said...

Look you broke Calypso's heart so why are you saying it is wrong for her to get revenge.

Anonymous said...

Hey Calypso!!!

I havent read the book yet![which is really bad]BUT i know that HRFH dumps YOU by TEXT!!!i just want to say that i know how you feel.Ive been dumped once!and gues what?!it was by text!!!and now F deserves a cold treatment!also what i think is that F is a coward by doing that and that he couldnt face you because he probs still loves you!!because that guy who dumped me still like me!So now i would like to say to F that if i am right and he still likes you then he should break through his pride and do it because from now on he lost all my respect!!!!!

all my love

Anonymous said...

Honey I'm from the US and over hear you do NOT give dissapointed looks OR txt dump! No wonder Calypso is so confused. Get off your butt and get her back, you re a lot hotter (as we say in the states) than Malcolm and sweeter.
PS. you use hair gel?!?!?! Im sooo dissapointed!

Anonymous said...

How dare you dump Calyspo??!! She is the best thing that has ever happened to you. Plus txt dumping her? Telling your chums to tell her off? Whats the deal? Darling I feel sooo bad for you!!!! Boo Hoo on you! You are making a big arse of yourself!

Anonymous said...

And I thought you sooo fit!

Anonymous said...

(I always forget it so I'm going with anon...) Is it just me or is it getting difficult to read these comments without cracking up? Anyway, what's the big deal with a small dab of jell? I mean, I know what you mean when it's loads and loads... but what's so wrong with a little? It gives a little texture to your hair and some volume too, you can't always rely on shampoo you know. Personally I don't think the way you described Freds using it is very chavy.

Anonymous said...

i do not use gel.

funnygirl said...

EVERYONE i think Freds is the real one

Anonymous said...

the tres sad loser is a loser but id hav im

Anonymous said...

Listen as much as you know every simply adores hearing you whine about what Calypso did-"GET OVER YOURSELF" Personally I never really adored you from the begining at the end of book 1 I was rooting for Billy and I simply adore McHammish. If you want to go mope about how she can't do this I'm a prince sort of thing be my guest but don't even think about interfering with Calypso and Malcom

Anonymous said...

Only wimps text dump.

funnygirl said...

ok everyone freds is probally cute and it was horrible what ud did no offense i think u will eventually because this might sound so lame but it's A BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Anonymous said...

Funnygirl.... we all realize it's a book. But this is an indirect way to chat with the author and for her to get our feelings on the book. Plus, it's fun talking to characters from a favorite series and such ^.^

Calypso said...

Dear Freds, I know you are tres, tres busy to stay out of the tabloids but every so often u should read my blog because someone called Freds is impersonating you, really, really badly. It's probably Honey or someone Honeyesque but I'm sure the palace could take care of it. See you Tuesday x

Anonymous said...

look dude i may be american, but even here we know that u deserved every counter dump u get! how could u dump calypso? and wat is w/ the dissapointing looks. u need to get ur head on straight

Anonymous said...

oh and whoever the fake freds is, get a life!! how rude to impersonate!! and by the way i do luv mchamish and everything, but Freds u need to wake up and get back together w/ calypso.

luv u calypso

Anonymous said...

thank you for your fulsome support and seal of approval. Ps: I don't wear gel

Anonymous said...

lol, it's a gel war! anyway, are freds and malcom friends?

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Calypso!im like so sorry 4 you!!!i mean i was soooooooo dissapointed about Freds and all!!!I hate when guys do that!!its just sooooooo gay darling!!!!!!Bu i think that Malcolm i more understandidng and even more gentle towards your feelngs darling and thats what i like him for!You rok McHamish!!!but i really hope that everthing will work out for both of you=] all my love Yuliiaxx

Anonymous said...

Let's clear this up NO ONE WEARS GEl. Malcom is a genius and Freds is a wimp. I do have my opinion and Calypso, the only logical explantion is DATING TWO BOYS IS WRONG! My cousin dates three! three girls and they know about each other how do you think they feel.

Anonymous said...

u r such a loser u shud never hav dumped calypso but she is way better with malcom he even got her a pet duck!

Anonymous said...

i do not wear gel

Anonymous said...

u so do

Anonymous said...

STOP ARGUING ABOUT WHO WEARS GEL. There is nothing wrong with gel and we might as well add a blog about who does or does not wear gel. This is the Calypso made a mistake on dumping Freddie site, so chill. Also Freddie, arguing with people about if you do or do not wear gel will not do anything!

Anonymous said...

WHY DID YOU DUMP CALYPSO?? that is soooooo WRONG! She sacrificed so many things for you and you're just going to dump her?? EVIL!! You better make up with her in the 5th book. Oh wait, she's already with Malcom!

Anonymous said...

hrhfreds a.k.a. LOSER!

Anonymous said...

HEY! don't ever think she shouldn't have!! she had every right to!! after everything you've done to her?? besides you started it!! and honestly speaking... who says let's take a break then i'll call you later??? that's just stupid.. u take a break and then u expect her to answer?!?!? I still can't believe she forgave you all because of a snog-age session... she's too good for you!!! McHamish is way better than you'll ever be!! GROW UP!! if you really want her, take ur sorry butt out of that high horse and work for it, if you really do LOVE her like you said.. then do it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about that... don't worry... it'll be fine... she said she loved you didn't she?? these things happen.. you'll see... if it's not okay.. then it's not the end.. take a chill pill... she'll get back with you.. and anyways.. since you do love her too right?? then maybe you'll find it in yourself on what you should do..

Anonymous said...

what is it with boys and hair gel?? does it matter to you guys that much???

Anonymous said...

Freds can you please just tell me why you dumped calypso? I mean are you going to get back together! You really should go to her and tlak to her tell her to forget about malcom and that you and her belong together! please tell me why you dumped her!! PLEASE PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

calypso are you really dating that malcom dude or are you really upset about freds!? Do you still like him and I know he still likes you! i bet your wondering how i know this! but i won't say anything but this i have my ways!!

Anonymous said...

if you've ever run your fingers through a boys hair - gel matters

Anonymous said...

calypso have we dealt with the whole dumping issue or are you still rinsing me to your readers?

Anonymous said...

hey freds, are you getting back with calypso? I HATE to see(or rather read) that you are not together!

Anonymous said...

hey portia, are you and billy still together?

Anonymous said...

freds, please get back with calypso!! pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse!!

Anonymous said...

I am afraid I am away in America on official nonsense- according to Calyso. According to my diary i am meeting her at a party in Windsor tonight?

Anonymous said...

Hrh Freddie, as much as we would all love to side with you I am pointing out you really haven't done anything to deserve our sympathy. You Broke Calypso's heart, tarnished her rep., put her through tons of emotional pain and then you come to us to beg with us to feel sorry for you. Gosh you have some nerve. I hope you never have to date again and your parents pick your bride. At least Calypso has Malcom. Unlike you he actual has a heart and a life.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Gosh Freds!

Anonymous said...

Hrh Freddie, as much as we would all love to side with you I am pointing out you really haven't dona anythng to deserve our sympathy. You Broke Calypso heart, tarnished her rep., put her throught tons of emotional pain and then you come to us to beg with us to feel sorry for you. Gosh you have some nerve. I hope you never have to date again and your parents pick your bride. At least Calypso has Malcom. Unlike you he actual has a heart and a life.

Anonymous said...

what party?

Anonymous said...


anyway think of rex

and remember mchamish rox all of our sxc scottish socks !

Anonymous said...

ok this is crazy if ur gunna become king i think we're gunna need 2 become a republic

speak up if u agree

Anonymous said...

honestly, i kind of cried when i heard that you(freddie) dumped claypso..

so sad, i know ='(

Anonymous said...

i mean calypso not claypso,
it was a typo

Anonymous said...

You are such a stuck up royal oik. You need to get up off you throne and hope that some sense will be thrust upon you. So that you will go and get calypso back or else Malcolm will.

P.S Watch out for Malcolm, Freds.

Unknown said...

I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with Calypso dear on this one! The Laird is far more appropriate for a girl of Calypso's class. You had your chance, and lost it. Perhaps you'll find another girl you like. After all, you are the frupping prince, there should be plenty of eligible strops clamouring.

Anonymous said...

Did you really have to dumped her in the first place Freds? it was such a shame you two are made for each other! malcom is no where near as fit as you.
Your a prince now find a way to win her back. love you xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Freds!
I am french and calypso chronicles didn't go out in France yet but when i was reading all the summaries (I know it' bad but i was sooooo impatient, I love calypso soooo much)and the commentaries i was HORRIFIED!!! what, Calypso and you are not together anymore??? what the heil? hell? (I don't know how to write it, did I tell you I am french?)
But this is not the question! WHY DID YOU DUMPED HER FIRST? maybe she is in the moon - like me- but if you want an advise
JUST DO LIKE SHE DID? CROSS FROM EADES TO ST AUGUSTIN AND TALK TO HER. DON't LEARN A SPEECH OR ANYTHING? TALK WITH YOUR HEART, and bring a rose. (A RED? OF COURSE FOR LOVE) try to do it while it's raining so it shows that you can do anything for her.
OK, you made a mistake but try to recify it cause you're better than MAc Hamish (I don't say I don't like him he 's soooooooo funny!!!)
You can also stop eating, cry all the time so it shows you're soo hurted and give an interviw to a newspaper saying that Calypso is right but you still love her etc that you would prefer be someone ,normal with her than a prince without her etc... etc...
Remember a prince is a normal person called windsor, i's all.
And if she still stay with Malcolm, go out with portia she's my best character after caly!!!
xxxxxxx for every character and tyne!!!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

I meant Calypso chronicles 4 didn't go out in france yet.
Freds, Tyne, I trust you to get calypso heart back!!!!!
love you!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Freddy, I hope you don't mind me calling you that. I was wondering if you could clear something up for me? Calypso's little update on the sidebar says that you two shared a 'swoony moment', while I know that you two are on great terms now, but does this mean she's left McHammish? (Which would be quite odd seeing as she went hunting with him. HOW DARE YOU CALYPSO! HUNTING?! Jeeze...)

So basically, are you and Calypso dating again or... yeah, I'm confused.

P.S I can't believe people are still bashing you on this! Well, best of luck with this, and I hope you'll not get angry with me for using the nickname

Anonymous said...

i totally agree! so, are Freds & Calypso back together? you two are so confusing!!

Anonymous said...

calypso daarling puh-lease stay with malcom. j'adore him. honestly daarling he is in love with you. personally i think you should totally stay with malcom, i mean you have to. he admires the sabre-wielding wild child in you, thinks your absolutely georgous, and utterly devine. but freds .... he is a rat, he is a super rat [brekfast at tiffany's - holly golightly (my favv movie ever)] daarling he caused you somuch trouble-ignored you for ages over minor tiffs-and text dumped you. ugh! puh-lease calypso dont leave malcom. and freds you are just aweful, how could you? and then kissing her???? are you mad??? you really are a rat...a super rat!!!

Calypso said...

Still on for Sat tea in Windsor Malcolm darling? Freds and I will be there a after two, oodles, Calypso

Anonymous said...

r u and HRHFReds 2gether? i'm confused.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Fredders,

I don't think she did darling (make a mistake by counterdumping u!) (sorry 2 say.) Becuz she wouldn't have had 2 counterdump u if you didn't dump her in the 1st place.

Unsatisfied By Ur Actions

gracii-xxx said...

freds, YOU NEED CALYPSO. calypso is a bitch for dumping you haha who wouldnt want ya?? u better start workin hard to get her back =] coz she needs uu so muchh. pfft who gives a stuff bout malcom anyways?? calypso... take freds backk. pweeez. xx

Anonymous said...

Nobody feels your pain!Calypso is a very Indecisive girl!Let her make her decisions!If you want her back this is soooo not the way to go about it!

Anonymous said...

darling, u relly shudnt have dumped her ! u wer tres, tres guddd together ! i tink u shud buy her loads of roses 2 make up for it ( diamond encrusted of course !) bt dont worry toooooetc mucho bout it !
j'adore erery 1 !

Anonymous said...

OMG NNOOOOOOOOO!they r 2 cute together

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you freds, but heres some advice. dont go giving her disapointed looks. it just makes her feel unloved. and when she acts stupid, just be spontanious and kiss her unexpectedly. she would probably love that, i know i would. u r amazing and i would never give you up if i were her.

xo darling

Anonymous said...

Freds darling, you DID dump Calypso first, even if it didn't seem like you did. i admit you did do it very subtly... anyway, why was it a mistake? maybe it was a bit horrid to rub your royal nose in it like that, but no boy dumps a girl from Saint Augustines!!! you must remember that! it is tres, tres, tres sad that you didn't see all the wonderful qualities in Calypso. why DID you dump her???

Anonymous said...

y did u dump er u fool she is so sweet and yes you do wear gel plus i think mchamish is a bit more deserving of er and stop givin er disappointin looks they are soooo last century darlin this centurys are fake pity looks

Love of Life said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Love of Life said...

First of all Y-0-U...DUMPED...her!In other words she had every right to counter although personally I have never 'and never will' counter dump anyone!

Anonymous said...

Darling it is your own fault I mean..dumping her by sms..omg! I think Malcolm is much fitter so darling Star is tres wright. ..anyway dont worry you're a fit prince so just find another girl..NOT HONEY!

Anonymous said...

hey calypso. I live in Australia but i've only been here a year, i think all your books rock and i dont think you made a mistake counter dumping freds. He shouldnt have dumped u by txt. Love annonymus

Anonymous said...


let me say this. let me flip the script on u what if calypso dumped you what would you do? i do think ur a pefect match for calypso even thought the way you dumped her was pretty pathetic. but luckly i'm on ur team so go get her back. becuz i'drather u be with her than mchammish. DO THIS ASAP OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh darlings why are you all being so horrible to poor freddie? I mean alright, he dumped calypso by text but that was to be expected wasn't it? I mean, everyone knows that calypso darling doesn't have the slightest idea on how to keep a relationship going, much less with an HRH. Well anyway, got to run Gucci asked me to star in its catwalk so sorry, don't have time to chat darling!

Anonymous said...

finally! i just read dumping princes, and actually, i cried..yup at the last part...

Anonymous said...

me again, the person who cried..well, i think freddie is the right guy for you calypso deary, and i wish you could give him another chance. besides, he didn't really dump you, he just wanted "to take a break", but i don't blame either of you. freds may be "boring" as you say but i think he is real and you two love each other, just like star said.

Anonymous said...

Well! Outragous! That's what i think! You dump her through TEXT and then start complaining about her counter dumping you! You sooo deserved it darling! Calypso is way better off with ,Malcolm! He's fit and daring! And he defiantly doesn't look 'dissapointedly' at her!

Anonymous said...

OOHH Honey bug off. go get plastic surgery or ruin someones life or something.

Unknown said...

okaaaaaaaaaaay so ur a kl guy &everything, but if u heart her so much why did u dump her, by text no less! someone please email at

Eimear said...

Freds u r a big fat loooooser. Malcom sounds so hot and tres tres fit. I think Calypso had every right to counter dump u. How dare u dump her by text, it was a totally wimpish and pathetic thing to do!!!
Calypso I hope there are more books because I want to see how ur relationship with the gorgeous Malcom turns out!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You and calypso love each other. You shouldn't have broke up you should have just styaed together. Get back with her and convince her that you love as much as you do even moody Star can see it. She loves you malcom is just a distraction make sure you remind her of your fahhhbulous snogages get back together

love yahhh xxx

Anonymous said...

clypso hearts freddie i soo agree with you freddie is mucho fitter tyhan malcom. GET BACK TOGETHER your royal you can work it out =)
love yaarrr xxxx

Anonymous said...

omg darling i dont believe you dumped her u stuck up royal!

Anonymous said...

don't date honey plz! date calypso again!try to DESTROY their relationship u and her r better together!

Anonymous said...

dude u dumped her! take it as a man and move on! it was only natural that she want to get back at u! u broke her heart so move ON!!

Sophie'#* said...

heч Calчpso &* Freds
firstlч i would like to saч who the fruup do чou think чou are Freddie! i no чour the Prince of England and everчthing.. but Calчpso clearч sed she dint wanta break! &* waht do чou do break! i thought a break ment brek up for a certain amount of time not fullч go! &* then чou have the cheek to make a move on her in puller's woods, when чou knew good &* proper she was with McHamish?
Calчpso, dont worrч about the counter dumping thing, чou dint wether чou shud be laffing or crчing or wether чou were coming or going. but if чou still had feelings for him when чou were making him jelous if чou got him back whч not keep him? &* then чou cud of got the reason whч he dumped чou outta him then?
i love чour books but please come onto чour blog and tell us when book 6 is coming out.
&* get back together! McHamish is a good guч but this is true love.


Anonymous said...

Hey! You are the one that broke up with her, loser! Move on with your live and let Calypso live hers without his royal pain in the ass (Yaah, thats you!).

Anonymous said...

Darling, i am so glad you dumped calypso. i never did like you. Malcom is both RICH and HOT u d the maths.
Daddysplastic girl

Anonymous said...

well, Freddie, dear, you asked for it! After all the snogging you and Calypso did,---Well, you do the math!

Anonymous said...

darling, i can understand dat u dumped her because u were out of her league,2 borin 4 her an al.but i do tink if u r gonna strop bout it dat u shouldnt hav don it in da first placexxxxx

Anonymous said...

You should not of dumped her because she had a lot going on in her life. So don't blame her! Watch out for all the other girls though.

Anonymous said...

is this real cause you people take it super seriously?

Anonymous said...

MCHAMISH WILL YOU MARRY ME?... hahah jks you guys are all losers. luv the books tho.

Anonymous said...

Hey Calypso I love Your books and you've said that there is a book 5 but when is it coming out???? Oh and I not iced that in the Blog you said 2 different titles so is it THAT's MY PRINCE or is it MY HOLLYWOOD PRINCE??

Anonymous said...

Hey Calypso when's the sixth book coming out and what's it called

Anonymous said...

calypso im DYING to know when the next book is coming out!!! please tell us when its coming out asap and could you also tell us wut the title of it is??? please and thank you :)

Anonymous said...

um well does Calypso get back together with you cause i really want to know.

QueenJade said...

*sigh* Im disapointed FREDDIE!I like you and all but come on, Calyso is a pretty, great, awesome girl and you just gave her up! Again I very very very vey disapoined in YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!


Xstar georgina indie fan u rock !!!!X said...

freddie i dont c the point on u dumping her and then u think she will take u back again and after what u seem 2 b up urs little minny honey u suck i feel annoyed by what u have done to calypso and i know u jumped i 2 get her upset and feel it was her fult pls u reject her calls and every thing if she does go with u and dumb whathisface ur lucky 2 b even her friend !!!!!!!!! gerogin,star and indie do u agree ? tobiset soz if i spell it wrong tobiset :( calypso i thing u should have counter dump him u should give him the same tretment 2 him like what he did let me c i no just reject everything that he sends u and calls and texts u just rejuect him if i wear u i would have rejected the letter 2 ! :) up urs freddie :P

Anonymous said...

you no what you may be royalty but that didn't mean you had to dump poor calypso i mean in pulling princes she got slapped in the face and got a slapper by honey(duh!)and was rough and tumble(why would you beleive honey anyways that was realy stupid)Anyways McHamish has her wrapped around his fingers(YOU LOSE)(btw i think you should jump off the bridge again LOL)

Anonymous said...

Dahrling you should have know you wern't going to get away with it ;)
you're lucky she just counter-dumped you... think about it .. it might have been worse.
Nobody dumps a St. Augustines girl ... or to think about it any public school girl!! We're amazing!! We are very high maitenence and deserve the best .. apparently you didn't make the cut :(
Love xxxx

Anonymous said...

freddie u complet idiot why did u dump Calypso if u love her!And no she did not make a mistake counter dumping u!!!!! ur the one who dumped her first!!! so get over it u stuck up royal oik!!!! shes better with out u P.S whats up with the hair gel!!! i thought u were cool until i found out acout ur over gel usage! PPS ur way to short 4 her anyway and u said it your self shes wild and your a boring git and just get over her she is way better off with Malcom hes so fit!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey its me again calypso im so comfused is book five called THATS MY PRINCE or MY HOLLYWOOD PRINCE and freddie you so do use hair gel how else can u do the sticky up thing that you do!P.S Calypso i so hope that you choose Malcom he hasnt given you pain and suffering like his royal stuck up highness Freddie has! Malcom sees the great imagination that you have and freddie here just thinks your mad and crazy!!! And Malcom also saids that u are full of surpries in a tone of voice that makes u sond mysterius and when freddie saids it to u it sond like a bad thing remenber!!!!!!!!! P.S freddie is to short it would be hard to flirt while looking ontop of a boys head!!!!!!!!!

You deserved it Freds... said...

Freddie daarling, you are rather silly for dumping poor dear Calypso, and especially by text. That is even low for you. I think you should apologise to her and manybe aske if you can try again.
Good Luck Freds... X

Anonymous said...

Hey she was the girl for you she cared about you and why did you dump her in the first place propose to her when she's in her upper sixth I could feel from the moment you met so make things you stuck up high horse of a highness and all girls no that a guy who uses gel is tres tres tragic

Anonymous said...

No she shouldn't have counterdumped you but this is all your fault you could tell from a mile away you were meant for eachother so when she's in her upper sixth propose to her

Anonymous said...

i'm glad calypso dumped your lemony scented ass. but i do want you to be happy also i still like you HRH. but i think malcolm is destressingly fit and sexy and taller then calypso darling. i think you should move on and accept that.

Anonymous said...

i'm glad calypso dumped your lemony scented ass. but i do want you to be happy also i still like you HRH. but i think malcolm is destressingly fit and sexy and taller then calypso darling. i think you should move on and accept that.

Unknown said...

just out of curiosity...i seem to not have read a particular part or completely forgotten...but why did you break up with calypso?

Harribo said...

GO MALCOME!!!!! HE ROCKS AND FREDDIES SUCKS! look darling freddie face it mchamish is a fitty and ur a wet hair gel user and i want to kno why u fruuping dumped calypso!!!???

DobbieAngelcake said...

I like malcom but Freddie is the one for Calypso! McHamish is cool but nothing can beat Freddie and Calypso's chemistry.

DobbieAngelcake said...

I like malcom but Freddie is the one for Calypso! McHamish is cool but nothing can beat Freddie and Calypso's chemistry.

Anonymous said...


xoAllEnglishGirlox said...

Reasons why Calypso is better off with Malcolm:
1: Hair Gel?! What was all that about?
2: You dumped her. I know that if some psycho dumped a girl from my school they would NOT get away with it.
3: Disappointed looks. I'm surprised she broke up with you rather than killing you TBH.
4: Malcolm has a sense of humour.
5:Calypso and Malcolm are the proud parents of a chick.
6: Calypso and Malcolm don't have to have awkward moment fencing, i.e having to attack your boyfriend with a sword.
Need I say any more?
Apart from that you're fine together :D lol oxo

Unknown said...

Oh my GOD! Freds why did you dump her you should keep her your SOOO cute together xx

Anonymous said...

Guys its a book. stress down. BUT WHY DID U DUMP HIM CALYPSO?!?!?!?

Kelly said...

Okay it's a book, but stop hating Freds... he was only beng a guy. Although i have been dumped by txt twice, and it does hurt more than the average I wanna break up. So please take that into consideration, you are a prince after all. But if you want to take Calypso back that's all up to you... I'd wait until the whole exam thing is over... I'm American, I don't know what they are called, we just have AP exams.

Anonymous said...

Freds and Calypso will end up together, I'm 100% sure of it. The writer wouldn't waste 3 whole books on FreddiexCalypso the whole time. Malcolm made his appearance in the 3rd book! If he was from 1st, then Calypso could have ended up with him. But he didn't ;)

Jill (a Dutchy) said...

Dear Calypso,

I'm a teenage girl and i live in Holland. I really LOVE your stories and I can't wait to read book no. 5!!
But can you pleeeeease tell us all when book no. 5 is coming?
You see, I finished the dutch translation of: 'Dumping Princess' today and I saw that it was published in 2007.
And I didn't expect at all to see that book no. 5 (I saw on this blog that it was going to be called 'My Hollywood Prince') was coming in the stores in 2009 or so???

Lovely Calypso, can you explain to us what happened? Why is the book never published? Did you also jump of the bridge into the Theems and passed out or something like that? Or did you get badly injured with a fencing competition??
If there's a reason for why 'My Hollywood Prince' is never published, would you please explain to tell us in Misty the cockerspaniëls name why it never came??

trés trés trés big huggs frome me!


Jill (a Dutchy) said...

Dear Calypso,

I'm a teenage girl and i live in Holland. I really LOVE your stories and I can't wait to read book no. 5!!
But can you pleeeeease tell us all when book no. 5 is coming?
You see, I finished the dutch translation of: 'Dumping Princess' today and I saw that it was published in 2007.
And I didn't expect at all to see that book no. 5 (I saw on this blog that it was going to be called 'My Hollywood Prince') was coming in the stores in 2009 or so???

Lovely Calypso, can you explain to us what happened? Why is the book never published? Did you also jump of the bridge into the Theems and passed out or something like that? Or did you get badly injured with a fencing competition??
If there's a reason for why 'My Hollywood Prince' is never published, would you please explain to tell us in Misty the cockerspaniëls name why it never came??

trés trés trés big huggs frome me!


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