Monday, January 15, 2007

Boys and Emotions!

Are all boys (even charming, funny, fit ones) emotionally dysfunctional? Sarah told me that, but I think it might actually be true.


Anonymous said...

good question.
i think when it comes to girls. the answer is yes

Anonymous said...

well no such thing as a boy who feels anything for more than the time it takes him to ride home on his bike

Anonymous said...

boys just dont feel the way us girls do darling- you have to understand all they care about is the latest hockey/fencing match - they are tres ennyeux but them again tres tres chaud!

Anonymous said...

wow guys! my boyf is sooo not emotionally disfunctional, he sent me a pair of ysl sunglasses for st valentines day and a botel of pink moet. i was thrilled to say the least. i havent talked to him in three weeks and and i guess he was trying to make up for the total rinsing he has given me. actually - coming to think of it i rekon he is pretty emotionally disfunctional.
i have no idea!
SOMEBODY help me with the workings of the male brain

Anonymous said...

Who is the fittest boy at eades ?

before reading dumping princes I would of sed Freddie no competition but now ,alcolm is quite gorgie to
xxxxx daaaarlings plz help

Anonymous said...

OMG! Yes, they are! My bf dumped me the other day and then his friend told me he was crying in the bathroom! and he broke up with me!

Anonymous said...

Malcolm is a shoo in for the title Head Fittie of Eades. No comp. And, no this is not Malcolm, nor is it Calypso or his mum. It's a fact.I read it on the bridge in Windsor which is where so it much be true.

Anonymous said...

well i agree malcolm is funny , gorgeous and tall hehe.If Freddie grew I think he might come second but the gel thing kinda puts me off.

Anonymous said...

Boys are cry babies. My brother is 17 and he's always sobbing into his hanky over some girl mortifying because all my friends think he's a small god and want me to put a word in for them. My father says his brain is as lively as a frozen pea but he has the soul of a poet. You'd never think that if you saw him on the rugby field chewing ears.

Anonymous said...

Calypso how many valentine cards did u get ?X?X?X?X?X?X?X?

Anonymous said...

So does Freddy (If he and Calypso are Real people) REALLY wear gel. But I don't get what's wrong with that. Some of the boys I've gone out with wear gel. Please anybody with a response E-Mail me as soon as possible at:

Anonymous said...

I agree. Boys are odd. Especially Americans. They practically KILL themselves trying to impress us. Then they're horrified when we show intrest!

Anonymous said...

True, true.

Calypso said...

no Freds does not wear gel its just that his hair has a natural geological outcrop aspect to it according to Billy. I am getting into sooo much trouble for that. Malcolm was just being mean. Also gel is tres sticky icky if you run your hands through it

Anonymous said...

For the record I am an emotional giant

Calypso said...

OK we just had a social with a group of emotionally sincere boys from a school that starts with W and ends in a late-ish letter of the alphabet. It was the most boring night of my life. Give me immature mad emotionally disfunctional boys any day. At least I get a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Male=Ego Ego=Emotionally dysfuctional emotionally dysfunctional=Freds Freds=idiot idiot=male see the world is a whole big circle of life.

Anonymous said...

I saw freds crying over an injured bee last tues.

Anonymous said...

Duh! Of course!

Anonymous said...

an injured bee thats a tad ott but i think its ok for them to cry over somthin big

Anonymous said...

crying over and injured bee? awwww that's so sensitive.... alittle two sensitive are you sure the bee did not sting him first!?

Anonymous said...

boys just don't like showing their emotions in case we see them as weak and then don't want to pull them, because apparently they get great pleasure from having us sobbing over our dead hamster on their shoulder, and they can then mutter stupid, supposedly comforting words in our ears... Xxx

Anonymous said...

the one about the ott bee was me and i think that sensitive boys are better than ones who take drugs and smoke and drink and if i av kids wen im olda i dont want my boy to be a chav a smoker a drinker or a druggy ewwww i want mine to b sensitive and care about others feelings but not to be sissy

Anonymous said...

A lot of the guys I know are way too sensitive. They would cry over anything sad, even if its not their bussiness!

Anonymous said...

Boys are tres tres confuzing and yet we fall for them

Anonymous said...

great question i know when it comes to girls the answer is yes! becuase boys r just boys! they can roll down a hill hiting their heads on many rock slam their fingers on the car door and say it all good and it didnt hurt but in the inside their crying like a baby!

Anonymous said...

Boys are just so wierd.I mean yeah i cried over my dog dieing and my bf was like "bab its alright it was just a dog'and i was like "just a dog ? he has been there for me since i was 2 i cant believe you would say that to me " got out the car and started walking away and he ran after me and was like im sorry savannah i didnt mean to say that what else was i suppose to dump him he just looked soooo cute in that light so i forgave him and i cried for like another hour and stuff like that . boys wierd much???????but its crazy how we come back to them !!!!!