Monday, January 15, 2007

Prank Calling!

Is 2.00am too late to be prank calling boys on a school night? Star's been caught up at 4.00am. Freds has been turning his phone off - tres unsporting for the heir to the throne.


Anonymous said...

Darling yaah, of course its not to late to prank call boys. My friend and I were up all night calling unsuspecting boys. Tres fun. Toodles

Anonymous said...

At my boarding school we can sometimes be up all night texting and prank calling many boys Yaah

Anonymous said...


I got into a HUGE gossip thing at my school (I was the victim) so I'm going to transfer schools, and my parents are going to try to get me into a boarding school. It's most likely going to be on the East Coast (United States) but if that doesn't work, we're going to try England! I'm soooo excited.
Isn't that good news?
P.S. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it.

Anonymous said...

I might not transfer schools because those options might not work out....

Anonymous said...

what a way to live? we all go mental with the goss. Everyone takes every little thing so seriously, like lucy b has spent ten days going quantum about outfit to wear to big date with boy who probs won't even show up. He's a boy- bound to forget or be plying football etc.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I prank called the brother of a megafamouss actor that every girl in my school would date in an instant if they could find an outfit to blow the fitboys head off and guess what he actually spoke to me except i like totally choked on my own head even though i was supposed to pretend to be ordering pizzas as a ote joke byeeeee

Anonymous said...

omg, totally pranked this insane harrovians last night. they were totally up for it but SOOO had no idea it was us!
luv ya!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Of course it's okay to call boys at 2.00 in the morning! They probably won't ever call you back, though!

Anonymous said...

Now girls, you is not doing yourselves any favours with this prank calling business and boys won't respect you. If it's attention you want, why not knit them a nice scarf to fight off these frightful winds that have been blowin my osteoparosis around something rotten.

Anonymous said...

Prank calling is funny in a tres tres immature sort of way like when you call a boy and pretend you really like him or tell him your friend is completely in love with him. You have to totally convince him. Then get your friends to do the same until actually believes there are millions of girls out there fancying the pants off him when, well, actually poor love...Anyway I love boys, they are so gullible and cute.

Anonymous said...

Prasnk calling is fine, but turningg the prank around on them? Much funnier. I did that too my cell phone stalker just two days ago. (He couldn't get the damn number right? What was I supposed to do? It was like the 6th time he called.)

Anonymous said...

Bon jour again mes amis

Me and my bestie kind of had tooo much to drink then we ended up calling one of the boys boarding houses at school (round the corner from my house) and it had all the fitissimo guys and our crushes.
We never told them who we were but they kind of guessed....

needless to say i hav never been more embaressed (apart from when helen asked me if i was wearing a black lacy bra in the middle of cloisters right next to the guy(s) i liked...)
when i woke up on the answer phone this voice came out saying - IM SORRY WHOEVERS PHONE THIS IS BUT PLEASE TEKK YOUR DAUGHTER TO STOP STALKING US AND TELL US WHO SHE IS

monday was terrible...... :S

funnygirl said...

^^^^ its ok once me and a friend were prank calling people and one person called us back and said to my friend "mam someone just prank called this house please tell them not to" she said "ok" but me and my friend sound just like teengers not adults

Anonymous said...

lady katelinn now that is funny
ok ok i got one too!!

alright so me and my 2 buds were bored and we decided to call this guy we know and we told him we had found his number in a bottle, that said to call for free sex!!! it was hilarious, because it was on the answering machine of his cell, and in the middle of the message, one of my friends said ' ur beeping', because a txt had come on the phone.
it was hilarious lol

Calypso said...

my mobile is dead and Sarah and Bob have declared that "maybe its a good thing". Apparently i was becoming "too dependant" on it??? That's what they said when they took Kimby my bear away from me when I was four. I will never forgive you S & B. You are bab and unfeeling mean parents. PS: If you read this I just said all those things to teach you a valuable lesson about reading things that are nun of your business. Now go to bed!

Anonymous said...

pranking is fun

Anonymous said...

True, pranking is fun but nawt when its your friend doing it leaving a message on a boys phone saying your the lesbian appreciation society and it turns out to be hims mums phone...

can you guess what happened?

Anonymous said...

prank callin is tres tres fun one time i pranked called the pizza place and i said in the phone how dare u go of with another girl and not even tell ur gf come and see me this instance and brin some chips i want some chips and guess this old lady answered and said watsat and put the phone down must have got the wrong number whoops
luv u all xxx
seeya later

Anonymous said...

darling yaah totally its okay!! I did it until like three in the morning at the lowest!!! They were so surprised!! it was Tres Tres fun and funny!!!!!