Friday, February 23, 2007

Have a RANT

Go on let yourself go! What's the gossip at your school? Where are the best places to shop near you? Who are your favourite fitties? Whatever, have a boast, have a moan becasue, as Honey says when she's trying to wheedle secret stuff out of me, "it's better out than in darling"


Calypso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Star here! I am soooo customising ALL my clothes now. Who else has has a problem with horrible shop working type people who have NO sense of humour? Have they not heard that saying, LAUGH AND THE WORLD LAUGHS WITH YOU, STROP AND PEOPLE WILL TAKE THEIR PLATINUM CARDS ELSEWHERE? Just because a girl likes trying on mad clothes for a laugh, does not mean she is obliged to buy them! It's true, I asked the ultra nice store security guard at TopShop today.
posted by Calypso at 10:32 PM on Feb 23, 2007

Anonymous said...

HONEY RIPOSTES: Oh Gawd darling, lighten up! When shop-working-type people give me grief - which of course they never do because I do have a fabulous life and every designer on the planet gives me free stuff - I simply have daddums destroy their career or do an uber-strop. If I can't be shagged to cally Daddums or throw a strop I pay someone else to throw an uber-strop for me. I don't even know what TopShop is you peasant. We don't have a TopShop on Sloane Street.

Calypso said...

CALYPSO BEGS: If you know anything maginifique or trivial or mad or really funny please share it with me. I am doing my GCSE's this year and I am having right royal boy troubles. I know that boys are just our play things and I shouldn't take them too seriously but it is tres, tres, tricky not taking them seriously when they don't txt you for over two hours on end! Seriously! I have exams to sit, they should be reassuring and supportive because one day I will be sooo spendid they will fall over their crowns to gain my favour.

Anonymous said...

I hate snivling shop workers who kick teenagers out of shops for "attitude" so we take our parents plastic elsewhere. kiss your commission ta ta

Anonymous said...

Darlings what is with fit boys and how they never seem to notice a stunning girl whom they should pull when they are right in front of them? Malcolm and Freds I desperatally hope you are not like this because it drives us madly posh toffs even madder. Yaah that's about all. Love the blog darling.

Anonymous said...

I agree darlings is this a confidence isssue? Because I'm not frued just a stunning angel sent from heaven with a platinum card. Get your acts together. You need a game plan for a stunning angel like moi

Anonymous said...

Chav hunting rocks. Soooo bored of chavs and their racist, biggoted fame obsessed mentalism. Tally ho i say.

Anonymous said...

ok so mi so called friend ????????
sed i looked like a DUCK .

but b4 tht showed this horrendous pic 2 mi other um ....friend nd they both started laughing nd showing eachother disqusting pics of me. nd saying i look nice in them ... nd then laughing. Now im not exagerating those pics were tres tres horrific.

so after ward s i sed tht i wanted them 2 stp ... they didnt so i sed they were being harsh.

soo one of them went into a shop nd i took it up with mi other friend nd i sed it was bullying. she started taking mick nd going all sarcastic saying how it wass all worst case bullying scenario. then she sed i looked like a DUCK .

Now she luvs ducks so im nt sure whether 2 take it offencivly ?.. soo i ignored her nd only responded in short pharses.

dunno wat 2 do as i go 2 skl nd get bus wit her hmph help pplz .

Anonymous said...


Calypso said...

To Rex's biggest fan! Just think of Rex darling, you are obviously maddeningly stunning and yr friends are enraged by the comp. Take heart!

Calypso said...

Best way to get Fit Bys to notice u is to develope UQ (Unique Quality). Mine is fainting and babbling and applying lashings of lip gloss. If you feel Bus Boy needs more, there is a how to pull fit boy section on the site

Anonymous said...

hey rex's biggest fan - the duck strikes back at
he soooooooo cute xx

Anonymous said...

yah 4 duck rights nd u r totally right calypso ducks r stunning inteligent and fantastic xxx nd yes the duck does strike bck

Anonymous said...

Why can't American boys be as cute and wonderful as English guys? They have such cute lips! And teeth! and faces! Not even celebrities from here are as cute as them! I am Soooooooooooo Moving to the UK when I finish college.

Anonymous said...

I'm really attracted to British guys as well. Especially William Moseley from Chronicles of Narnia.

he's just so cute! And the fact that he has great abs totally doesn't hurt.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last anonymus was me.

Calypso said...

Honey is winding me up something chronic! I'm ready to snap

Anonymous said...

What is it?

Anonymous said...

Don't you just despise shop people, darling? My friends and me tried on some prom dresses and we were given the third-degree by this old hag, who probably wouldn't notice fashion if she sat on it!

Anonymous said...

Calypso! Please tell us which Freds is the real Freds and which one is the impersonator? I'm going insane trying to figure out replies!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Portia, darling, you are such a role model! I've tried to be like you all aloof and enigmatic and dainty but I still working on it. Portia darling, speak to me, i need a good natter!

Anonymous said...

everyone thinks I've got some enigmatic magic thing going on but actually Honey is right for once...fact is I just think for so long before I say anything the moment is lost. Ah well...

Anonymous said...

Well All I can say the abosulte fittest chap in the school is not in my year. I simply fell in love with him second term and I cannot get him out of my head. He had long hair now it is shorter and it is like golden and is eyes are a stormy blue.. He could play Billy

funnygirl said...

will anyone speak english here?

funnygirl said...

Will anyone speak english

Calypso said...

Hello funny girl. What specific style of English are you longing for? Honey does accents? And I can do American.

Anonymous said...

what do you think can distract someone with guy issues?? becasue i need help with that. anyone got any advice??

Anonymous said...

oh and funnygirl, i can do a LA valley girl accent, and I hear Calypso is rather good at that.
another thing, what is the difference between hunybuny and Honey?? and who is impersonating Freds??

Anonymous said...

what do you do when you have a large group of friends, and you've just broken up with a guy they thought was so perfect for you. then you hook up with another guy who they think is bad for you. All your friends are split among this issue of whether you should stick with the second guy or dump him. and what if you really liked second guy, but you are now having doubts??? i need serious help.

Calypso said...

Doubts go hand in hand with boys. As Shakesy said "To be or not to be" or something yea gadsish like that. "Whether 'tis nobler in mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." I am so going to ace English GCSE! Yaah! But back to your lurve doubts. I think you should write the question on a piece of paper and go to sleep on it and you might know whether rebound guy is what you want really want or you're better off suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes. You never know what fortune might turn up - it might be an outrageously fit boy?
Turns out the freds impersonater is a bit of a weepy creepy lonely girl from the village.

Anonymous said...

I am so over boys dithering. From now on I shall only answer my mob with a curt message, "Free on Sat at 2, meet you on the bridge in Windsor!'

Calypso said...

Sister Regina, we all know that you are calling yourself "haveanicecupoftea"!

Anonymous said...

Can u tell me what's fashion and trend in England now???

Anonymous said...

OMG! So much! Thank godness you r here Calypso! We have this nasty girl at our school just like honey (Sorry Darling but you are a bit of a b!t(h..) and she just told me 1 of her secrets! LISTEN HERE! A girl at my school would go out with Josh-THE CLASS WANNABE! And me and you are the only to know!

Now i need your help darling, There is this major hottie who i lik and he says he likes me 2. But when he's with his friends he acts like he doesn't! Wat should i doooo darling?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

u should maybe get im on his own and record him secretly sayin he really likes you and then if he blanks you in front of his mates again you should play back the convosation on the tape and then all his friends will like sooo totally be shocked and treat im the way he treated u. which i think is really harsh behavior in the first place from him that is not fair on you. soo embaress im as much as pos hope my advice as come in handy darlin. and if that doesent work start flirtin with his friends that will get im so jelous and crazy over you te he i speak from expeirience

Love of Life said...

I adore the store...Buckle!

Love of Life said...

Lil2hot4u...this guy sounds kind of like a jerk, but if he says that he likes you he praubly does..! You should maybe ask him why he changes his attitude around you when he is around his friends...

Anonymous said...

Calypso, do you have Jack Wills in ENG?? i should hope so, as it's from ENG!!! i think you and your mates would LOVE it. Send Malcolm there; it's almost as good as Ralph Lauren. or something like that. LOVE YOUR BOOKS!!!! i am reading them backwards, Dumping Princes, found Dueling Princes in Waterstones the other day. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!! XXXX A. PS are you still pulling Malcolm?? you HAVE to be, he is from Kiltland!!! i'm from Australia, but i live in Killand. is tres tres tres COLD...

Anonymous said...

Lil2hot4u, get him all alone...!!!

Anonymous said...

Lil2hot4u, darling I have advice for you! Just talk to him and see if he realises he's being a total...idiot, yaah? Oh and Calypso, just wanted to know if you could come to the Dior shoot next Saturday? Let me know soon, darling, got to make sure we get front-row seats!

Anonymous said...

darling please stay with malcom. Scottish guys are HOTT!!! I do so deteste freddie but him and star would be fantastique
Ciao ciao

Anonymous said...

Star hates freds!there is this totally fit boy in my class his name is matt and my BFF has the biggest crush on him. alyssa my BFF caught danny another boy in our class breaking a school rule and threatened to tell on him. danny offered to ask matt out for her if she doesn't tell. she doesnt know what to do, please help i wont tell her i posted this on the www. i will give her friendly advice ha, as if i could come up with a solution for fit boys!come on!xxxxA

Anonymous said...

ps i dont know what he did darling this is what she told me but i would get killed if she knew what i just didxxxxA
PS does Mr.Wellend have a blogger name?(bell end)

xxxxA said...

I really need advice xxxxA

Anonymous said...

I am assured, what is it — error.

Anonymous said...

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.

Anonymous said...

it's been like 3 years since you left the message of a promise for a book 5